Packing Slips

Search for "pack" in the shopify admin,select Packing slip template

In the Packing Slips template search for the code below.


Above the class="flex-line-item-quantity" code place the following code.

{% for p in %}
    {% assign property_first_char = p.first | slice: 0 %}
    {% unless p.last == blank or property_first_char  == '_' %}
        <div class="ymq-property">{{ p.first }}:
        {% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %}
            <div><img src="{{ p.last }}" style="max-width: 50px; height: auto;"></div>
        {% else %}
            {{ p.last }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endunless %}
{% endfor %}

The result will look like the screenshot below.

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