How to style Shopify Options with our app

Selecting a product

Shopify options

In the first section on the product page settings it will show you the product options you set up in Shopify’s backend, we call these Shopify Options.

Shopify Options use Shopify’s variant system which you use in Shopify’s backend (normal products). Think of it as our app styling the native options you already have.

  • They limit each product to a max of 3 options and 100 variants.

  • Allow for custom pricing for all variants.

  • Images associated with variants (so they change when a variant is selected).

  • And inventory control.

Style options

Types of options

You can choose to use the global settings for the styles of shopify options, or add special styling settings for shopify options.

Referring to the image below, set the style of the shopify option as a global setting.

You can select an option type as a global settingfor all shopify options.

Last updated